Wheat Starch

Wheat Starch

Wheat Starch Screening Machine

(wheat starch screening machine, wheat starch sieving machine, wheat starch screening equipment, wheat starch sieving equipment, wheat starch vibrating sieve, wheat starch vibrating screen, wheat starch vibro sieve, wheat starch sifter, wheat starch separator, wheat starch screener, screening machine for wheat starch, sieving machine for wheat starch, screening equipment for wheat starch, sieving equipment for wheat starch, vibrating sieve for wheat starch, vibrating screen for wheat starch, vibro sieve for wheat starch, sifter for wheat starch, separator for wheat starch, screener for wheat starch, wheat starch gyratory screen, wheat starch gyratory sifter, wheat starch gyratory screener, wheat starch vibro screen, wheat starch gyro screen, wheat starch gyro sieve, wheat starch vibro grader, wheat starch classifier, wheat starch vibro filter, wheat starch vibro sifter, wheat starch shifter, wheat starch centrifugal sifter , wheat starch airflow screen, wheat starch tumbler screen, wheat starch tumbler sieve, wheat starch rotary screen, wheat starch trommel screen, wheat starch ultrasonic separator, wheat starch ultrasonic vibrating screen, wheat starch ultrasonic vibrating sieve, wheat starch dewatering screen, wheat starch drainage screen, wheat starch drainage sieve, gyratory screen for wheat starch, gyratory sifter for wheat starch, gyratory screener for wheat starch, vibro screen for wheat starch, gyro screen for wheat starch, gyro sieve for wheat starch, vibro grader for wheat starch, classifier for wheat starch, vibro filter for wheat starch, vibro sifter for wheat starch, shifter for wheat starch, centrifugal sifter  for wheat starch, airflow screen for wheat starch, tumbler screen for wheat starch, tumbler sieve for wheat starch, rotary screen for wheat starch, trommel screen for wheat starch, ultrasonic vibrating screen for wheat starch, ultrasonic vibrating sieve for wheat starch, ultrasonic separator for wheat starch, dewatering screen for wheat starch, drainage screen for wheat starch, drainage sieve for wheat starch, wheat starch centrifugal screen, wheat starch centrifugal sieve, wheat starch centrifugal sifter, wheat starch airflow screen, wheat starch airflow sieve, wheat starch airflow classifier, wheat starch sizer, wheat starch grader, wheat starch vortex screen, wheat starch turbo sieve, wheat starch cyclone sieve, centrifugal screen for wheat starch, centrifugal sieve for wheat starch, centrifugal sifter for wheat starch, airflow screen for wheat starch, airflow sieve for wheat starch, airflow classifier for wheat starch, sizer for wheat starch, grader for wheat starch, vortex screen for wheat starch, turbo sieve for wheat starch, cyclone sieve for wheat starch)


(1) Specific Gravity: 1.0

Mesh Size: 250 mesh

Required Capacity: 3200 kg/h

Optional Models: 1200mm round separator

Remarks: Wet

(2) Specific Gravity: 0.7
Mesh Size: 80 mesh (180μm)

Capacity: 2500 kg/h
Moisture Content: 12%~14%
Optional Models: 1800mm round vibro sieve

Usage: to remove impurities from flour

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