Adjustable Angle Stainless Steel Linear Vibrating Screen

Adjustable Angle Stainless Steel Linear Vibrating Screen

  One of our client require an Adjustable Angle Stainless Steel Linear Vibrating Screen. The inclination angle of this kind of linear vibrating sieve can be adjusted according to the requirement of capacity or output. The user only needs to turn the screw to adjust the height of the spring. Very easy.

  What is a linear vibrating screen? Linear vibrating screen can also be called rectangular separator, rectangular vibrating screen, linear vibrating sieve and so on. Driven by two horizontal vibrating motors, the linear vibrating screen does linear motion. It is one of the most classic screening machine just like rotary vibrating screen. The difference is that the linear vibro screen is more suitable for screening coarse-grained materials.

شكلrectangular shape
Motionlinear motion
Structural Compositionscreen box, mesh screen, screen frame (or screen holder), vibration motor, motor base, damping spring, support etc.
Vibrating Motortwo sets of horizontal vibrating motors, synchronous reverse rotation
Applicable Materialsuitable for sieving 0.074mm~10mm non-sticky materials with moisture content less than 7%
سطح الشاشةhorizontal or inclined (0°~7°)
طبقات الشاشة1~7 layers of screen
إطار الشاشةwooden screen frame, carbon steel screen frame, stainless steel screen frame
طريقة تنظيف الشبكةbouncing balls, ultrasonic system etc.
مادةcarbon steel, stainless steel 304/316L, titanium material etc.
Screen Sizescreen width*length 500*200mm, 500*2500mm, 1000*2000mm, 1000*2500mm, 1000*3000mm, 1000*4000mm, 1200*2500mm, 1200*3500mm, 1200*4000mm, 1500*3500mm etc.
طلبsilica sand, limestone, fodder, chemical fertilizer, lysine, urea, organic fertilizer, feeding stuff, refractory material, plastic particle, tea etc.

 If you have any inquiry for Linear Vibrating Screen or other screening equipments such as Rotary Vibrating Screen, Ultrasonic Separator, Tumbler Screening Machine, Rotex Gyratory Screen, Sweco Gyratory Sifter, Low-profile Flow-thru Inline Vibrating Screen, Centrifugal Sifter, Probability موجنسن Screen, High Frequency Vibrating Wire Cloth Screen Machines, Dewatering Screen, Wet Screening Machine, Rotary Trommel Screen etc., please feel free to contact us

جهة الاتصال: السيدة ماجي

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الهاتف المحمول/واتساب/وي تشات: 0086-15637361027

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